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£7m T/o Haulage and Logistics Company Saved With CVA

Our haulage and logistics client asked us how to restructure their £7m sales business operations, to return to profit.

In this case study, we led a process to exit a nearly empty warehouse and protect the core logistics operation, which is full with long term contracts. Part of the associated haulage business was closed down and outsourced.

Working with landlords, HMRC and the Road Traffic Commissioners we achieved another great result. Some 57 warehouse and driving jobs were retained, as non essential costs were cut across the business to ensure its survival. 96% of creditors debt was voted in favour of the arrangement.

Remember that a company voluntary arrangement for a haulier means that you do not need to apply for another Vehicle Operators Licence (VOL). This would not be the case if a Pre Pack Administration had been used. As always we look at ALL the options and advise on the best way to rescue your company. Can we rescue your company or your clients business?

Like to learn how KSA Group can help you, your client or investee? Want to learn how a CVA can reduced fixed and overhead costs, as well as reduce debt?

If you CAN see a way to reduce costs, you CAN see a way ahead, you DO have a great product / service, but debts and future cost commitments are sinking the business – then you should bring in the Company Rescue experts.

Call the KSA Group turnaround team on 0800 9700539 or email Keith Steven on

Worried Director? We Can Save Or Restructure Your Company

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