My Business Is Failing – How Can I Save It?
My Business Is Failing – How Can I Save It?This section of our website provides information about how we are regulated, our registered address, how to make a complaint and other important regulatory and legal matters. The following information is also provided pursuant to the requirements of the Provision of Services Regulations 2009 (SI2009/2999).
About KSA Group Ltd
KSA Group Ltd is a firm of business advisors and licensed insolvency practitioners. KSA Group Ltd is a limited company registered in England & Wales. KSA Group is a wholly owned subsidiary of RMT Accountants and Business Advisors Ltd. Details of which can be viewed at www.companieshouse.gov.uk under Company number: 3316444 Our VAT number is GB 652 263546
Our registered address is 7-8 The Chandlery, Quayside, Berwick upon Tweed, TD15 1HE Telephone:+44 (01289 30931) Fax: +44 (01289 309429). Our trading names are KSA Group and Company Rescue
Regulated by the Insolvency Practitioners’ Association (“IPA”).
KSA Group Ltd is a member firm of the IPA and Wayne Harrison and Eric Walls are licensed in the UK by the IPA to act as insolvency practitioners. Further details are available at www.insolvency-practitioners.org.uk.
Our Terms & Conditions
A copy of our Terms & Conditions is available on request. Our Terms & Conditions should always be read in conjunction with any letter of engagement.
All IPs are required to comply with the Insolvency Code of Ethics and a copy of the Code can be found at www.icaew.com/en/technical/insolvency/insolvency-regulations-and-standards
KSA Group Ltd conducts its business in an honest & ethical manner and takes a zero-tolerance approach to bribery & corruption. The Company is committed to acting professionally, fairly & with integrity in all its business dealings & relationships. The Company will uphold all laws relevant in countering bribery & corruption in all the jurisdictions, in which it conducts business. A copy of our Bribery Act 2010 (the “Act”) policy can be read on the following link KSA Group Ltd ABC Policy Document 01.07.19
Data protection
We are registered with the Information Commissioner as a data controller. Our registration number is Z9276284. Our privacy policy (click the link) explains how we use your personal information under the GDPR
Professional Indemnity Insurance
Our professional indemnity insurer is Travelers Insurance Company Ltd, 61-63 London Road, Redhill, Surrey. RH1 1NA
The policy complies with the requirements of the IPA Professional Indemnity Insurance Regulations and the territorial coverage is worldwide.
We always aim to provide a high standard of advice and service to our clients. If any client of ours expresses dissatisfaction with our service or makes a complaint, then our objective is to respond promptly, courteously and effectively.
We have a complaints policy; a copy is available on request. Further information about making a complaint is provided in our Terms & Conditions and our engagement letter.
In summary, any complaint should be made to the company director identified in your engagement letter or the licensed insolvency practitioner appointed to your case. Alternatively, complaints can be made directly to our Insolvency Director and Senior Insolvency Practitioner, Eric Walls (ericw@ksagroup.co.uk)
If a complaint cannot be resolved satisfactorily then you may be entitled to refer it to the IPA. From 5 June 2013, complaints relating to an insolvency practitioner’s regulated work must be channelled through a common Complaints Gateway hosted by the Insolvency Service. If the complaint is within the scope of the complaints system it will then get passed to the IPA for further enquiry.
The Complaints Gateway does not cover complaints made against insolvency practitioners in relation to insolvency procedures governed by Northern Ireland legislation: these complaints need to be made directly to the IPA.
It is to be stressed that none of the regulators are able to intervene directly in any insolvency case, nor to overturn the decision of an insolvency practitioner, nor that of any Court. A regulator will consider a referral within the context of whether the actions or behaviour of the insolvency practitioner may result in the insolvency practitioner being liable to disciplinary action. For instance there must be an indication of a breach of the insolvency legislation, Statements of Insolvency Practice, RPB regulations and guidance or code of ethics. The allegations should be capable of being supported with evidence.
We will do our utmost to try and resolve your complaint before it becomes necessary for you to approach the Complaints Gateway.
Complaints to the single Complaints Gateway may be made either by:
1. calling the Insolvency Service Enquiry Line on 0300 678 0015 (Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm), or
2. completing and emailing the online complaints form on the Insolvency Service website
3. completing the online complaints form and posting it to: IP Complaints, Insolvency Service, 3rd Floor, 1 City Walk, Leeds, LS11 9DA.
My Business Is Failing – How Can I Save It?
My Business Is Failing – How Can I Save It?