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How To Buy Businesses In Administration Or Liquidation

Published on : 5th May, 2021 | Updated on : 10th February, 2025

Written ByRobert Moore

Marketing Manager


Rob has over a decade of experience in web and general marketing. He has extensive knowledge of the Insolvency sector and has helped many worried directors with their questions.

Rob is now working with the Board at KSA Group Ltd to develop strategic marketing programmes to support the business plan and drive more company rescues.

Robert Moore

Table of Contents

  • “How do we buy businesses in administration or liquidation”?
  • Who is going to do the turnaround management?
  • Technical Warnings

Warning! Be prepared to lose all of your investment. Secondly, do not rely upon buying an insolvent business as your only source of future income or investment!

This brief article (and certainly not legal advice) shows you how to go about buying a business from an insolvency practitioner (IP) acting as the office holder.

“How do we buy businesses in administration or liquidation”?

First some common sense advice.

Targets; we are regularly approached by people looking to buy a business in administration or liquidation, or even a CVA. Our initial question is always what type of business are you looking for? When the response is any, then we get very worried!

There are literally hundreds of different types of business out there, do you know enough about them all to be able to save/rescue/turnaround and drive ANY type of business? Remember this is a failed (or failing) company, its future depends on an immense amount of hard work, some luck and generally your money. You have the job of business rescue!

So, set up a target term sheet, i.e. what type of business do you want to acquire, where in the country, what size and what markets it is involved in? Set up a target price structure – make sure that you have the money or know a good source for the funding needed. Then, prepare an asset/means report as most IPs will look to see if you have the means available to buy their clients assets.

Organise a letter from funders – banks and proof of means should then be available quickly.

Make a list of advisors, who can help advise you on the deal. You may need a lawyer and accountancy advice at the very least.

Who is going to do the turnaround management?

Who will run the company – YOU? If yes, how many days a week do you want to work in or more pertinently ON the business? If you are not going to be available to run it, do you have people available who can run it for you? If you require, KSA can help with our specialist turnaround teams.

Accessing the Market for your Targets

There are many sources of such opportunities, but it will require some leg work.

Try all of the following:

  1. Use Business Sale Report that lists businesses for sale, in administration along with some financial data on each company and they will email them to you. See this page if you are interested in purchasing the assets from companies in liquidation
  2. Read the Financial Times every Tuesday. It has adverts from insolvency practitioners (IPs) concerning the companies they are handling.
  3. Do web searches for failed companies, use RSS or subscribe to BBC, news services and so forth.
  4. Perhaps the most fruitful source will be to actually build a relationship with a number of IPs such as KSA Group. We have a number of such opportunities available most of the time. Companies that are in a CVA may also be open to offers. These businesses will be solvent but may still be keen for an investor or buyer as a way out. A CVA needs a lot of effort on the part of the directors and a proportion of them do fail.
  5. You could also contact several IP firms like Begbies Traynor, Grant Thornton or one or more of the big 4 accountancy firms. Tell them your target business types and send them a synopsis of what you are looking for. Every receiver, administrator or liquidator should market the assets or business they’re working with. So, if you get on their distribution list you will get early notice once they’re appointed.
  6. Try a called IP-BID. Its website is at

Soon, you will have a flow of opportunities coming in. Make sure to have some early discussion about what the issues are and the time frame the office holder is working to.

Evaluation of Targets

Once you have some business opportunities I would suggest using a careful evaluation method. You may wish to design your own mini due diligence approach to sift opportunities initially. NB this cannot replace proper due diligence if you decide to make an offer!

This should include obvious questions like:

  • What, or more likely WHO was the cause of the business failure?
  • Has the cause been addressed?
  • What is the market for its products?
  • Is there a profitable niche within the market place for the company?
  • Can it be viable if sales are lower and costs are reduced?
  • Is it within easy travelling time for you?
  • Is the existing management capable of running the company if you are not there 5 days a week? If not who will?
  • What are the business’s objectives, do they match yours (for example can it be rebuilt and make good returns)?
  • What is the EXIT strategy? Yes, I know you are thinking of buying it! But how would you plan to exit? Too many people get too attached to the deal and not the exit!
  • What are you buying? The assets? The name? The goodwill? The customer base?
  • Develop your own diligence list and then stick to assessing each opportunity this way. Don’t deviate from the planned target type, size and market, unless you have wide experience. So, if you identify a good opportunity that fits your criteria then move quickly.

What is the deal?

Is it a deal to buy the assets and goodwill? It’s very unlikely that you will buy the company or the debtor book, but you should consider work in progress, stock, assets (financed or unencumbered).

Then ask if the deal is one payment, deferred consideration or a mixture of upfront and deferred. It’s often possible to get a time to acquire deal. But the office holder will generally want a lump up front to cover their costs.

Get access quickly to do due diligence. This is a must! Walk around the business, feel it, touch it and ask lots of questions to anyone who will talk to you within the business.

Find out what went wrong. Has the business lost its best customers? Can it supply cost effectively in the future? What HUMAN assets walked out the door when the IP came in? Will the hoped-for new product / service ever get off the ground? Is the management motivated or simply serving their time while looking for a better job?

Working capital required?

Do your forecasting for the new company based on sensible numbers, not pie in the sky. How much money will the new company need for working capital after you have paid for the assets? There is no point in buying it and running out of cash?!

How much?

The main question! Generally an IP will use a professional valuer to assess what the assets are worth in a forced sale. You will not get access to that figure, so consider using your own knowledge or that of a friendly valuer to help assess what the assets might be worth. Then set a price that you think is fair and that you are prepared to open at. Set a maximum price and do not go over that if the IP comes back saying they have higher offers and asking if you are prepared to bid higher.

Don’t over pay is easy to write but hard to make work in practice.

If your offer is accepted, ALWAYS use a lawyer to advise you and check the deal and ask about technical issues below.

Technical Warnings

Trade name Issues

S216 insolvency Act 1986 precludes the reuse of trade names unless the use is permitted by the court or office holder, and the acquirer was not involved with the failed company previously. Be careful of this – if you take on the directors/managers they could face criminal charges if this is not addressed properly.


By acquiring a business you may have to honour the employment contracts of ALL of the employees. This can be another legal minefield so get advice on it, early.

Financial Assistance Rules

(s151 153 Companies Act 1985) Make sure the deal complies with the financial assistance rules. Don’t understand what that is?! Suggest you get legal advice now.


Make sure that the landlord is involved in discussions – will it offer a new lease? Will you have to put down a rent deposit? How will this affect your working capital needs?

Same goes for secured asset lenders will they novate the deal to Newco? Will major suppliers supply? Are customers prepared to work with you?


These are just some of the key issues in buying a business out of insolvency and it’s a must to do your homework very carefully. Remember don’t get emotionally attached to the deal. Get advice from an insolvency practitioner or turnaround advisor, advice from lawyers and accountants and then carefully decide.

It’s just worth repeating again that this is a failed company, it’s future depends on an immense amount of your hard work, some luck and generally your money.

Finally, “if it smells it’s usually off”! So walk away and save your money for another opportunity.

Please call 08009700539 or email us for further details.

Man with balloon

What Does Going Into Administration Mean?

Going into administration is when a company becomes insolvent and is put under the control of Licensed Insolvency Practitioners.  The directors and the secured lenders can appoint administrators through a court process in order to protect the company and their position as much as possible. Going Into Administration - A Simple Guide Administration is a very powerful process for gaining control when a company has serious cashflow problems, is insolvent and facing serious threats from creditors. The Court may appoint a licensed insolvency practitioner as administrator. This places a moratorium around the company and stops all legal actions.The administration must have a purpose and the Government encourages the use of company rescue mechanisms after administration. The 3 purposes (or objectives) of Administration Rescuing the company as a going concern. Company rescue as a going concern – this is usually a  company voluntary arrangement. The company enters protective administration and is then restructured before entering into a CVA. The CVA would set out proposals for repayment of debts to secured, preferential and unsecured creditors. When the company has its CVA approved by creditors, then the administration process comes to an end after 28 days. Achieving a better result for the company's creditors This is as a whole than would be likely if the company was to be wound up (liquidation) See the differences between Administration and Liquidation.  This better result is usually obtained by selling the BUSINESS as a going concern to one or more buyers. The company and the debts are “left behind”. The better result may include securing transfer or employees under TUPE, as well as selling goodwill, intellectual property and assets. Controlling and then selling property/debtors. This is called realising assets. Then the administrator makes a distribution to one or more secured or preferential creditors, in order of creditors priority. Usually the business ceases trading and employees are made redundant.Only if the first two options are deemed unattainable, can the administrator use this third option.Under the administration option, it is possible for the company and its directors (or a creditor like the bank) to apply to the court to put the company into administration through a streamlined process.However, the law requires that any finance provider (like a bank or lender), with the appropriate security, is contacted and the aims of the administration be discussed and approved. The finance provider must have a fixed and floating charge (usually under a debenture) and the charge holder will need to give permission for the process to go ahead. Five days clear notice is required.  Be aware, though, that a secured lender can appoint administrators over a company without notice if it thinks its money is at risk.  So communication with the secured lender is essential.  

What Does Going Into Administration Mean?

Making Employees Redundant

Do you need to make a member(s) of your staff redundant? When facing business debt problems, one of the key decisions to make as owner or directors is this: do some roles need to be made redundant to save costs. Is the business going to be smaller if you use a CVA, or sell it through administration for example.Here are some key things to take into consideration. If you fail to act appropriately and correctly redundant employees can make a claim against your company. You could also face tribunals and fines for not acting correctly.If you don’t think your company can afford to make redundancies then read this page for information on how you can do it at NIL COST What is redundancy? Redundancy is the act of an employee losing their job as the job or role they perform is no longer needed. So, when is redundancy necessary? Cost cutting reasonsFor example resizing the company, closing certain departments or branches, perhaps due to an insolvency event such as administration or a company voluntary arrangement. When there is no longer a need for the full time role In this case where a full time role may no longer be available but there may be a new part time role, then the employer must offer the part-time position to the current full-timer.If the employee refuses, usually because the part-time position is not as convenient or suitable as an alternative, then the employee must be paid redundancy pay.Full business closure, either temporary ( refurbishment) or permanent So, remember, it is vital to only proceed with redundancy when appropriate as it will impact the employees and your business significantly.A number of alternatives can always be looked into, if trying to cut costs; reducing overtime, freezing any increases to salary/wages, putting a halt on any further recruitment, terminating contracts of temporary or agency staff.When redundancies are compulsory, for example, when employees need to be let go to save business costs and avoid insolvency there are certain criteria you can use to ensure the staff you choose to make redundant is fair. Typically use;Standards of work produced Attendance and disciplinary records Length of employment/service (it is important to avoid age discrimination here) Skills, experience and appraisal data (be careful to avoid sex/disability discrimination)Some employees may self-select and volunteer to be made redundant (usually if they are close to retirement age anyway and their redundancy pay will be worthwhile). Be sure to use previously agreed redundancy procedures made with unions if applicable too.It is vital for you as an employer to…Keep the employee informed with what is happening. Consult the employee and give an honest explanation as to why they have been selected to be made redundant. There is a period of consultation based on the amount of employees being made redundant.For between 20 and 99 employees being made redundant at once, there is a minimum obligation of 30 days and no less, to consult with employees. For 100 or more this period extends to 90 days and for any less, no set amount is required.Look into all other options and discuss this with the employee; are there any alternative employment positions you can offer? Can they be transferred to a different department of the company? Or a different branch? Alternative employment positions must be of a similar nature.The three key aspects of making an employee redundant are;consultation selection offer alternatives.What rights do redundant employees have? When dismissed due to redundancy, employees are entitled redundancy pay, provide the following conditions apply:they are a actual employee of the company, not a subcontractor they have had at least two years of continuous service they have been dismissed for redundancy purposes only.The sum of redundancy pay they will receive depends on their age at dismissal, weekly gross salary and length of service completed. Please note the Government caps the amount at £700 a week, with the maximum statutory redundancy pay at c.£17000.Do also check the employment contract for the employee as they may have alternative conditions. For example, one month’s pay per year of service. If this is the case, the contract entitlement would be followed instead. In any situation, the highest amount is always paid, be it the contractual or statutory amount.Before a staff member can be made redundant, their notice period must be served and this must usually be paid for. You can have more than the statutory minimum, so long it is agreed, but not less. Currently the notice periods are, at least one weeks’ notice if employed between one month and 2 years, one weeks’ notice for each year if employed between 2 and 12 years and 12 weeks’ notice if employed for 12 years+. Be aware that in some situations the employee can be paid in lieu instead, depending on their employment contract entitlements. When employees serve their notice period, allow them paid time off to look for alternative employment.Any accrued, untaken holiday pay will need to be paid for. This is capped at £700 a week and at a maximum of six weeks. Although redundancy payments are tax-free up to £30,000, for holiday pay, both income tax and national insurance are applicable. More about employee rights when being made redundant can be found here.If your business or company cannot afford to make redundancies then your business or company is in effect insolvent. As such, you will need to act and take advice from specialist advisors such as KSA Group the owners of this webpage, who are licensed insolvency practitioners.If the business could be viable after costs such employee roles can be made or other costs can be cut, then a company voluntary arrangement might be the best way to rescue the situation. Any redundancy pay or lieu of notice post an insolvency event may be paid though the RPORedundancy Payments Service Insolvency Service Telephone: 0330 331 0020 Monday to Thursday, 9am to 5pm Friday, 9am to 3pmSee the video below for more information

Making Employees Redundant

What is Special Administration?

When attempting to address major debts, a company may choose to enter administration in order to manage the path out of insolvency. It's a process that falls under the Insolvency Act 1986, during which creditors cannot take action against the company.However sometimes when a very large or important organisation is facing insolvency people talk about a process called "Special Administration" What exactly is special administration? The process, like ordinary administration, entails handing over control to administrators who will take steps to turn a company's situation around if possible - or to wind it down in the most efficient manner.A special administration, on the other hand, requires that client assets be recovered as soon as possible.It also necessitates interaction with market regulators, which could be the Financial Conduct Authority or the Bank of England in the case of a financial firm, or Ofgem in the energy sector.Importantly, special administration is a court-ordered action rather than one reached collaboratively by company directors and insolvency practitioners. What is the purpose of a special administration? This is a sector-specific response.In the energy sector, the recent placement of energy firm Bulb into special administration reflected not only the organization's size in terms of its multi-million-person customer base, but also the national necessity of the energy it supplies. When it comes to the financial sector and investment banks, the rise of special administration was precipitated by the failure of Lehman Brothers. Without a special administration, the economic impact of an investment bank's failure could be even more damaging to the overall economy, necessitating the court-ordered process. If Royal Mail went into special administration, it would be to make sure that letters and essential items were delivered in a timely manner during any turnaround.  It would most likely be governed by what is called the Postal Act. Large healthcare providers would also be subject to any special administration due to the potential impact on ill people.As special administration has the potential to involve the highest levels of government then the procedure tends to be lengthy.Administrators will prepare plans within ten weeks of the special administration order, and they will consult with creditors, clients, and the relevant authorities.After a successful court application, the special administration can be completed. It should be noted that it could also be suspended if a company voluntary arrangement is implemented.

What is Special Administration?

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