Monthly Insolvency Statistics: November 2023
The monthly insolvency statistics have been released for the month of November 2023. In this article the findings will be explored. Company Insolvencies November 2023 saw 2,466 registered company insolvencies through England and Wales. This is an increase of 21% when compared to the amount registered in the same month of 2022. This is also higher than figures during the pandemic and pre-pandemic.The company insolvencies consisted of:1,962 Creditors Voluntary Liquidations (CVLs) 359 Compulsory Liquidations 133 Administrations 12 Company Voluntary Arrangements (CVAs)There were no receiverships registered.CVLs (23% higher in Nov-23 than Nov-22) and Compulsory Liquidations (22% higher in Nov-23 than Nov-22) appear to be the drivers of the increase in company insolvencies, compared to November 2022. Although CVAs also did see a 20% increase. Administration levels were similar to what it was in November 2022.Between 26 June 2020 and 30 November 2023, 47 moratoriums were obtained in England & Wales, along with 22 companies having a restructuring plan registered at Companies House.Moving on to the statistics for Scotland and November 2023 saw 109 registered company insolvencies. This is made up of 74 CVLs, 30 compulsory liquidations and 5 administrations. No CVAs or receiverships were recorded.Historically, compulsory liquidations have led the way for the company insolvencies in Scotland. But in the first 11 months of 2023 CVL numbers remained more than 1.5 times higher than compulsory liquidation numbers.Between 26 June 2020 and 30 November 2023, no moratoriums were obtained for companies in Scotland. Two companies did register a restructuring plan at Companies House.For Northern Ireland, 26 company insolvencies were registered in November 2023 – this being 30% higher than that in November 2022. Registrations consisted of 13 compulsory liquidations, 6 CVLs, administrations and 2 CVAs. No receiverships were recorded for this period. Individual Insolvencies England and Wales had 8,243 Individual Insolvencies registered in November 2023. This is 21% less than what was registered in November 2022. It is thought that the reason for the decline is the lack of IVAs, as DROs and bankruptcies increased.Delving deeper, the registrations are broken up into:4,292 Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVAs) – 44% lower than in November 2022 3,290 Debt Relief Orders (DROs) – 45% higher than in November 2022 661 Bankruptcies (split as 522 debtor applications and 139 creditor petitions) – 18% higher than in November 2022.Northern Ireland had 111 Individual Insolvencies registered in November 2023. Numbers are made up of 70 IVAs, 21 DROs and 20 bankruptcies. Total numbers are 24% lower than the same month a year previous. Read the full report here.