My Business Is Failing – How Can I Save It?
My Business Is Failing – How Can I Save It?This web site is only intended for UK registered businesses.
We can only give general information on this site to provide general answers to distress situations. The contents of the site are based on the latest available information and on the practical experience gained by the authors. Of course we strive to keep the information accurate and up to date but errors and omissions are excepted.
KSA Group Ltd, which operates this site, can accept no liability whatsoever for any losses incurred by actions (or losses incurred from refraining from acting) of partners, designated members, directors, individuals or managers in any business relying upon information in this website or from any carefully-chosen third party advisors which we may introduce you to.
Our free email and telephone support services are for general guidance only. Again, CompanyRescue Limited, KSA Group Limited or its employees cannot accept any liability for the statements made in response to your particular circumstances or any actions you or your fellow directors may take (or fail to take). We will only make written recommendations based on more detailed and specific information requested by us and supplied by the distressed business.
If your business has an insolvency problem we would strongly recommend taking advice from an experienced and professional turnaround practitioner, insolvency practitioner or lawyer. In this regard please feel free to contact us – we are specialist insolvency and turnaround practitioners, on 08009700539.
Remember don/t leave it too late, the earlier turnaround or insolvency practitioners are asked to help the better the outcome may be for your business and YOU. Procrastination does not help you.
My Business Is Failing – How Can I Save It?
My Business Is Failing – How Can I Save It?